Friday, February 13, 2015

New Vscan Dual Probe to Allow More Immediate Medical Attention

In the pursuit of revolutionary medical technology, GE Healthcare is back at it. With the new Vscan Dual Probe, we are decreasing patient wait time by permitting medical staff to perform ultrasounds in nearly any location of the hospital. These new pocket-sized devices are able to perform both deep and shallow views to help reduce the time involved in making a medical diagnosis.

The “dual” portion of the probe lies on the inside. It contains both a linear and a sector probe. This helps to assure the ultrasounds will be complete in a matter of minutes and allows doctors to view more of what a basic ultrasound would look like, but easier. CEO of GE Ultrasounds, Anders Wold, tells Axis Imaging News, “We hope with our new Vscan with Dual Probe we have made the use of ultrasound at the point of care, simple and fast all the while helping healthcare providers improve access to impactful medical technology.”

For more information, visit our product webpage.

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